Salmon Love and Sisterhood

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There are not many women who understand what it is like to get up and check the oil and antifreeze in three diesel engines, pull the anchor and nurse a newborn, all before 4:30 in the morning.  There are not many women who understand watching a husband pull out of a harbor at high tide with their daughters on board, reconciling their role as keeper of the radio, smokehouse and 12-guage while their girls roll in the trough and bait hooks.  There are not many women who run a setnet site, keeping one eye on their daughter running a skiff and one eye on the bear ambling towards the bunkhouse. There are not many women who can barely see through their tears as their recently deceased father’s boat is lowered into the water and still climb on board to take the controls and keep the family Bristol Bay tradition going strong.

Read the full story: Salmon Love and Sisterhood — Salmon Life: Salmon Love

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