What's New

R/V Tiglax: Alaska Maritime Refuge’s Vehicle for Research

Imagine working on a ship that takes you 15,000 miles through remote islands, from the Gulf of Alaska to the Bering Sea, in support of conservation. Six U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service jobs provide this opportunity, all operating out of Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge aboard the R/V Tiglax. Read […]

9 Of The Best Hiking Trails In Alaska

It’s hard not to love ALL the hikes in Alaska, but some of them are even more breathtaking than the rest. These 9 hikes are an outdoor lover’s dream and offer some amazing vantage points for spectacular views as well as some up close and personal encounters with Alaskan wildlife. […]

Rasmuson Foundation – Individual Artist Awards

Grants to Alaska artists to support the time, reflection, immersion or experimentation beneficial to the development of their artistry. Application open January 1 – March 1 Rasmuson Foundation honors the merit and significance of a life dedicated to serious artistic exploration and growth. The Foundation believes an artist’s energy, ideas, […]

Salmon Life: Enriched by Community

Salmon Life: Enriched by Community Under a beautiful, blue sky, with just a nip of fall in the air, people from throughout Kodiak gathered to eat, dance, play and share stories of the season. The second annual Kodiak Salmon Social took place on the 20th of September 2015, bringing Kodiak together […]

Blackened Sockeye on Kale Caesar Salad

This simple grilled sockeye recipe is a boon for time pressed cooks. Featuring previously frozen individually packaged sockeye fillets found in the seafood’s freezer section and

Angler’s Alibi on the Alagnak River

Alibis may be what criminals use to avoid the appearance of guilt, but they are also invented by all of us who just don’t want to be caught indulging ourselves when other duties call, like, for instance

Private Lives of Salmon (video)

Catch a rare underwater look at wild Alaskan chum salmon on the spawning grounds, as they complete the most important act of their lives–to bring on the next generation. Host Richard Nelson explains the intricate and fascinating mating rituals of salmon.

What's Rising

Salmon Life: Fish and Family

Fish and Family — Salmon Love: Salmon Life Lexi Fish Hackett has fish in her blood in more ways than one. Until recently, her last name has simply been “Fish,” which she says is merely a coincidence. Her dad, however, who hitchhiked his way up to Southeast Alaska in the […]

Former Miss Alaska advances on ‘American Idol’

Former Miss Alaska Malie Delgado has advanced to the next round of competition on the “American Idol” television show. Read the full story: Former Miss Alaska advances on ‘American Idol’ | Alaska Dispatch News

What's Hot

The Case of the Mystery Mussels: Backcountry Ice Skating

The Case of the Mystery Mussels: Backcountry Ice Skating and a Sense of Wonder “Where did that come from?” my six-year old daughter asked, pointing to large shell poking out of the ice. We were skating up Jim Creek on a recent, chilly and nearly snowless Sunday afternoon. We’d started […]

Private Lives of Salmon (video)

Catch a rare underwater look at wild Alaskan chum salmon on the spawning grounds, as they complete the most important act of their lives–to bring on the next generation. Host Richard Nelson explains the intricate and fascinating mating rituals of salmon.

Salmon Life: Fish and Family

Fish and Family — Salmon Love: Salmon Life Lexi Fish Hackett has fish in her blood in more ways than one. Until recently, her last name has simply been “Fish,” which she says is merely a coincidence. Her dad, however, who hitchhiked his way up to Southeast Alaska in the […]