What's New

Winter Solstice 2015 – Adam Elliot

I’ve been traveling a lot on business this year and lately i’ve lost interest in taking pictures. Maybe i just haven’t been anywhere inspiring, or too busy to be somewhere at the right time. Then a month ago i suffered a concussion falling on some hidden ice, and i wasn’t […]


Faye and Brian were married on October 10, 2015 at the Fox Hollow Chalet in South Anchorage. As most of their friends and family would agree… Read the full post at www.rhaeannephotography.com

What's Rising

5 reasons to visit Anchorage in winter

5 reasons to visit Anchorage in winter It’s a bluebird afternoon in Downtown Anchorage, perfect for sightseeing: There’s a clear view of Denali to the north, the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail beckons you southwest and among the cafes and restaurants that crowd Fifth Avenue you might detect a faint whiff […]

A correction helps uncover a heroic rescue in Angoon from ’95

Two weeks ago, Alaska Public Media aired a story about Army Staff Sergeant Joshua Schneiderman receiving the Soldier’s Medal, one of the highest military distinctions, and reported that it was the first time the medal was given for an act that took place in Alaska. That claim is incorrect. After the original story aired, Alaska […]

2015 Arctic Youth Ambassardors

Introducing your 2015 United States Arctic Youth Ambassadors. The Arctic Youth Ambassadors Program brings together diverse youth from across Alaska to serve as ambassadors for their communities and country in building awareness at home and abroad about life in the Arctic. Video by Francisco Martinez, Molly Schouweiler, Rosey Robards and […]

Winter Solstice 2015 – Adam Elliot

I’ve been traveling a lot on business this year and lately i’ve lost interest in taking pictures. Maybe i just haven’t been anywhere inspiring, or too busy to be somewhere at the right time. Then a month ago i suffered a concussion falling on some hidden ice, and i wasn’t […]

What's Hot

Winter Solstice 2015 – Adam Elliot

I’ve been traveling a lot on business this year and lately i’ve lost interest in taking pictures. Maybe i just haven’t been anywhere inspiring, or too busy to be somewhere at the right time. Then a month ago i suffered a concussion falling on some hidden ice, and i wasn’t […]

Hockey Shorts – Stick and Puck

Hockey Shorts has been shown in Alaska extensively, on both the east and west Coasts, at the Nam June Paik art center in Seoul, South Korea and at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC, Canada.  It is presently showing at the New Britain Museum of American Art in New […]

Salmon Love and Sisterhood

There are not many women who understand what it is like to get up and check the oil and antifreeze in three diesel engines, pull the anchor and nurse a newborn, all before